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Project Management Tool for Teams

Manage your all your projects, tasks, meetings and documents with one tool

Intelligent project management is here. The best, most affordable way to manage your project team and deliverables.

Manage your deliverables

Keep track of your project activities in one place, so you never miss a deadline.

Manage your Team

Assign tasks and responsibilities to your team members, effectively and consistently.

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Project Management Tools for Teams
Project Management Software Tools

We used to spend so much time on different apps, from asana to dropbox until we started using skhokho. Being able to see everything in one place, does wonders for productivity, my team loves it.

Tryfina Kgokong

Project Management Tool for Teams

Skhokho presents the ultimate project management tool for teams. With the ability to manage, project milestones, project tasks, project meetings, project documents and project notes in one place.
Project Milestone Management

Manage your Project Milestones

Split your project in to manageable sections. A milestone can represent a major project deliverable or project stage. This allows project teams to work towards more manageable targets, that all work together to achieve the project objective. Read more on what you can do with project milestones on Skhokho.

Team Focus

Making sure the whole team knows the target improves performance.

Improve Communication

The current status of the project is visible to the whole team.

Get ahead of your Project Task Management

Skhokho presents an easy to understand project task board for the team. This allows the project managers and team leaders to assign tasks to the team members. Read more on Project Task Management here.

Personal Task View

Each team member gets both an individual and team task view.

Calendar Task View

Project tasks are also displayed in integrated calendar view.

Project Team Task Management
Project Meeting Management

Skhokho Business Software Project Meeting Management

Organisations spend up to 20% of their times in meetings, to communicate, align and make decisions. However more often these points are not well recorded or documented. Project Meetings.

Document meetings

Skhokho provides seamless tools for teams to document meetings better.

Create minutes

Prepare minutes of meetings as they happen and email directly to attendees.

Skhokho Management of Project Documents and Notes

No more storing of project documents on multiple computers, personal drives and all sorts of cloud platforms, each with its own costs. Consolidate all your documents in one place accessible by everyone. Learn how manage project documents here.

Accessible from anywhere

Once documents are uploaded on the platform, they can be accessed from anywhere.

Team Collaboration

Collaborate with your teams on documents, enable remote work and working from home.

Project Document Control
Why you need project milestone and task management

You need project milestone management to help keep your project team focused on the project targets and due dates for deliverables. A consolidated view of project state will help the entire team align on what is required and promote efficiency.

Benefits of using Skhokho for project management

There are many project management tools out there, many of them with features your team will never use. Skhokho was designed from years of project management experience to help guide your team in the most important elements of project management.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Project management software helps you to organize your project's tasks, documents files and images to keep track of project milestones.
  • Schedule your project's tasks to keep track of timelines.
  • Invite team members to view your project's tasks to keep track of project meetings
  • Share your project's tasks to keep track of project progress
  • Invite your clients to collaborate on your project, clients can view documents, milestones and meetingd from their client access portal.

  • Client Lists: Keep a list of all your organisational clients in one place. Read more here
  • Client Dashboard: See all your detailed client information in one place, from the projects executed for the client, to the total client value, documents and client contacts. Read more here.
  • Client Access Portal: Invite your client to view project progress, project documents, meetings and invoices directly from an access portal to Skhokho. Read more here.
  • Project List: See all your project list details in one place, add new projects, etc. Read more here.
  • Project Meetings: Record project meetings as they happen, email minutes of meetings to clients and follow up on meeting action items. The project meeting solution by Skhokho. Read more here.
  • Project Documents and Notes: Store all your project documents and notes in one place, share and collaborate with your team. Read more here.

Yes, our team is ready to help your migrate your files and documents to Skhokho. Just get in touch with our support team by sending an email to hello[at]

Most of our tables and come in a data-table format with export keys availabe in the following formats: CSV, Excell and PDF. You can also directly print from the table. If you require more complex export options, please contact support.

100% as safe as it can get, our cloud servers utilise the best and latest in firewall and network security to ensure the safety of your personal and client information. Over and above that, we will never utilise your information for anything else that what it was intended for. Read our privacy policy which governs how we use your information.

Skhokho comes with a built-in meeting management system that allows you to:
  • Record the meetings attendees
  • Record meeting action items
  • Prepare minutes of meeting
  • Email minutes of meeting

Yes, we have an integrated client access portal for Skhokho Project Management App. The project Manager can create a client access invitation for any client contact and send then an email to create credentials to access the client portal. Client can then access project documents, project milestones, project meetings and project invoices in real-time and be informed of the project progress.