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Best Project Management Tools for Small Business

It is not easy to run a small business. While concurrently replying to hundreds of critical emails, you, as the owner, must concentrate on your business, connect with your clients, manage your workers, assign work, and juggle a variety of other tasks. 

Having the appropriate processes to keep track of your progress and activities is critical to successfully managing your project and clients. Choosing a pleasant project management solution for both internal and external stakeholders is especially important in software development projects and outsourcing agreements. 

You may overcome these obstacles with the aid of an online project management tool. However, sifting through all of the alternatives available may be rather tricky. 

So here we are, ready to assist you in overcoming this obstacle. Let's look at some project management solutions that we believe are well-suited to small businesses.'s features include highly customized management boards, detailed reporting, and extensive email interfaces. The CRM's capacity to track the whole pre-and post-sales process, however, offers it an edge! 


Basecamp is a popular, frequently used, and comprehensive project management application that allows you to bring all of your projects together. It accomplishes this by displaying a broad picture of everything going on in your organization on your home screen, from which you can drill down to learn more about projects, teams, and communication. 

Basecamp allows you to upload and exchange files, keep track of projects in progress, and more. It provides teams with a more effective means to collaborate than email with a bulletin board, task list, and event schedule, as well as a chat room. 


ACTIVE Collab is an excellent choice for small enterprises because of its simplicity and power. It's a well-designed program that integrates job management, time tracking, and payment into one simple-to-use tool. 

With this tool, you can manage all of your data in one place, allowing your team to interact, stay informed, and understand what they need to work on next. 

Zoho Projects

Zoho Projects is a free project which is an online project management application that makes it simple to plan, track, and collaborate on projects. Milestones and Task lists, for example, can help you break down large tasks into smaller, more manageable chunks. You have additional flexibility over subtasks, repeating tasks, and dependencies using this platform. 

The platform has a modern, clean look to it. Furthermore, the app's straightforward structure allows you to learn the essentials of how to use it in just a few minutes after making an account. 


Skhokho Project Management Software

You may replace bulky, costly accounting software with this lightweight revenue and spending accounting for enterprises with Skhokho accounting management firm software. Complete project task management allows you to manage project deliverables, milestones, and tasks all in one location. 

Emails, meetings, stand-ups, and pings to hunt down daily or weekly status updates can often feel like an unending stream of emails, meetings, stand-ups, and pings. By automating these check-ins, Skhokho helps your team save time and boost productivity by allowing you to ask your team questions regularly and get all of the responses in one easy-to-digest thread.

Ream more from our project management software documentation here.

Skhokho Business Management Software
Bertha Kgokong
Published on Sept. 15, 2021

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