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How to Implement Productivity Hacks in Your Small Business

How to Implement Productivity Hacks in Your Small Business

In this blog we will be discussing how to implement productivity hacks in your small business and share some tools that we have that can help you master productivity and doing more with less.

What are productivity hacks? 

Productivity hacks are small changes or adjustments that you can make to your routine or work process that can lead to big gains in productivity.



For example, one productivity hack might be to wake up an hour earlier each day and use that extra time to get a head start on your work.

Or, you might try batching similar tasks together so that you can complete them more efficiently.

There are endless possibilities when it comes to productivity hacks, and the best ones are usually specific to the individual.

That said, there are some general tips and tricks that can help any small business owner boost their productivity.


Here are a few of our favorites:

1. Get organized 

The first step to becoming more productive is to get organized. This means taking some time to declutter your workspace, both physical and digital. 

Start by getting rid of any unnecessary files, folders, and documents. Then, take a look at your email inbox and unsubscribe from any non-essential newsletters or listservs. 

Once your workspace is decluttered, take some time to create a system for organizing your work. This might mean setting up a filing system, using a project management tool, or simply creating a daily to-do list.

2. Set deadlines 

One of the best ways to motivate yourself to get work done is to set deadlines. When you have a deadline, you are more likely to focus and work more efficiently. 

If you are working on a project with multiple parts, try to break it down into smaller tasks and set deadlines for each one.

3. Take breaks 

It might seem counterintuitive, but taking breaks can actually help you be more productive. When you take a break, you are giving your brain a chance to rest and recharge. 

This can help you come back to your work feeling refreshed and ready to tackle it with renewed energy. Just be sure to keep your breaks short and sweet, and to get back to work before you start to feel restless.



4. Delegate and outsource 

In order to be truly productive, you need to learn to delegate and outsource. This means identifying which tasks can be handled by someone else, and then finding someone to do them. 


How to implement productivity hacks within your small business?

Let us now discuss productivity hacks as it applies to a business environment, and how you can get your whole team to be productive in the workplace. High productivity is especially important for small businesses because they often have limited resources.

Here are a few tips on how to hack productivity in your small business:

1. Create a positive work environment 

The first step to getting your team to be productive is to create a positive work environment. This means employees feel comfortable coming to work, are able to take breaks when needed, and feel like their voices are heard.

One way to create a positive work environment is to make sure your employees have the proper tools and resources they need to do their job well. This means having enough desks and chairs for everyone, having the right software for the job, and making sure there is enough printer paper and ink.



Another way to create a positive work environment is to have an open-door policy. This means that employees feel comfortable coming to you with any problems or concerns they have. It is also important to have regular team meetings so that everyone is on the same page and knows what is expected of them.

Finally, you can show your employees that you appreciate their hard work by giving them regular feedback, acknowledging their successes, and offering them opportunities for growth.

2. Encourage collaboration 

Another way to hack productivity is to encourage collaboration. This means creating opportunities for your team to work together on projects, and to share ideas and knowledge.



There are a few ways to do this:

  • Encourage employees to share ideas with each other. This can be done through brainstorming sessions, company-wide email threads, or even just informal conversations.
  • Make it easy for employees to work together on projects. This means providing the right tools and resources, and making sure everyone is on the same page.
  • Encourage employees to socialize with each other. This can be done through company-sponsored events or just by creating an open and welcoming environment.
  • Encourage employees to give and receive feedback. This can be done through regular performance reviews, 360-degree feedback, or just informal conversations.
  • Encourage employees to take breaks. This can be done by providing ample vacation time, flexible work hours, or just by Encouraging employees to step away from their work stations for a few minutes every few hours.


Skhokho Business Management Software: Small Business Collaboration

Skhokho is an integrated business management software with the following features that are suitable for collaboration: 

- Project management software with project milestone and team task management 

- Document management within a project team 

- Customer relationship management (CRM) 

- Human resources (HR) and payroll

- Goal Setting and Tracking with OKRs



Skhokho is suitable for small businesses because it is affordable and easy to use. The software can be used to improve workforce productivity by: 

- Allowing team members to collaborate on projects 

- Managing and tracking customer relationships 

- Analyzing business data to make informed decisions 

- Automating HR and payroll processes


3. Set clear goals 

It is also important to set clear goals for your team. This means having a clear vision for what you want to achieve, and then communicating that vision to your team.

It is also important to make sure that your team has a clear understanding of their individual roles and responsibilities. This will help them to know what is expected of them, and to work more efficiently.

Here are a few tips on how to do so:

  1. Define what you want to achieve - Before setting goals for your team, you need to first define what it is that you want to achieve as a business. What are your long-term objectives? What are your targets for the next quarter or year? Once you have a clear idea of what you want to achieve, you can start setting goals for your team that will help you get there.
  2. Make your goals SMART - When setting goals, make sure they are specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound. This will help ensure that your goals are clear and achievable, and that your team knows what they need to do to meet them.
  3. Communicate your goals to your team - Once you have set your goals, it is important that you communicate them to your team. Let them know what you are trying to achieve and why it is important. Encourage them to ask questions and provide feedback so that everyone is on the same page.
  4. Set deadlines for your goals - In order to ensure that your team is motivated to achieve the goals, it is important to set deadlines. This will give them a sense of urgency and help them focus on the task at hand.
  5. Hold your team accountable - Once you have set your goals and communicated them to your team, it is important that you hold them accountable. Follow up with them on a regular basis to see how they are progressing and provide feedback. If someone is not meeting their goals, have a discussion with them to find out why and help them get back on track.


Using Skhokho Business Software for goal setting and tracking

Skhokho Business Software has a built in OKR - Objective Key Result management for creating, recording and tracking OKRs. This will help small business owners to measure and improve workforce productivity by setting goals and seeing progress over time.

OKRs are a goal setting methodology that can be used in businesses of all sizes to improve productivity and results. By setting and tracking OKRs, small business owners can see what areas their employees are excelling in and where there is room for improvement.

Skhokho Business Software makes it easy to set and track OKRs, allowing small business owners to improve workforce productivity and get better results.



Read More on Skhokho OKRs - 

Skhokho OKR Documentation: 

4. Provide feedback 

Finally, one of the most important things you can do to hack productivity in your small business is to provide feedback. Feedback is the breakfast of champions, and it’s something that every high-performing team member crave. It’s a way to show that you’re paying attention and that you really care about their development.

The key to giving feedback is to make it a two-way conversation. Ask your team members how they think they did on a project, and then give your own feedback. This will help them to understand your perspective and learn how to improve for next time. It will also help you to get a better understanding of their thought process and how they work best.

Make sure to give feedback regularly, and not just when there’s a problem. Praise good work, and give constructive criticism when needed. And always aim to give feedback that is specific, objective, and actionable.



Get started with Implementing Productivity Hacks in Your Small Business

Get started on Skhokho with a 14 day free trial, no credit cards required.

Skhokho Business Management Software
Bertha Kgokong
Published on May 3, 2022

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