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How to do Effective Email Marketing with Skhokho Lightweight CRM

How to do Effective Email Marketing with Skhokho Lightweight CRM

In this blog we will be discussing Skhokho lightweight CRM and how to use it for effective email marketing for your small business. We will show you how to utilise the power of email marketing to keep your clients engaged and send emails to potential leads. 

This will be a practical tutorial showing you how to use specific tools within Skhokho, complete with step-by-step illustrations to ensure that you will be ready to kick-start your next email marketing campaign on Skhokho lightweight CRM.

Email Marketing Lightweight CRM

Email marketing is one of the most effective marketing tools available to small businesses. It allows you to reach a large audience with minimal effort and cost, and can be highly targeted to your ideal customers. 

The top use cases for an email marketing campaign are:

1. Building relationships with existing customers and prospects.

2. Generating leads and increasing sales.

3. Building a list of loyal customers.

4. Promoting sales, special offers, and new products or services

Why you need email marketing

Small businesses need to do effective marketing campaigns to grow their businesses over time because marketing is the process of getting your business noticed by potential customers. It is important to have a well-rounded marketing campaign that targets your ideal customer and builds brand awareness. Brand awareness is important because it is the process of getting your business name and logo out there so potential customers can start to recognise your company.


Steps to follow to start an effective email marketing campaign for your small business.


Step 1: Define Your Email Marketing Goals 

Before you launch your email marketing campaign, you need to decide what you hope to achieve with it. Do you want to increase brand awareness, drive traffic to your website, or boost sales? Once you know what your goal is, you can start planning your email marketing strategy.

Email Marketer

Skhokho has got a goal setting and measurement software based on OKRs, that comes free with the standard package. This is a good place to start developing your marketing goals. For this step-by-step guide we are going to pick: (1) Increase monthly sales by 40% this financial year. Therefore:

Objective - Increase monthly sales by 40% this financial year

Once we define an objective in a SMART way - suddenly, there is a target: (1) I am not only trying to increase sales in general, but I have drawn a line in the sand and specified the number or percentage increase I am aiming for, (2) In addition to a fixed number, I also provide a date by when it is due.

Once we have defined the objective, we need to pick a few key results that we can track to help us achieve this objective.

Marketing OKR Objectives

For this example we are going to pick:

Key Results 1: Achieve 700 website visitors weekly (perhaps I currently have 500 weekly website visitors and I extrapolate that if I increased that number by 40%, I could increase sales by 40%, this might not be true, but its an indication and that is what key results are for)

Key Result 2: Improve conversion rates by 20% (Again like the point above, being able to tweak conversions will likely increase sales)

The point is to find ideas and things you can do now, and measure that will help improve on the objective.

Action Points

Send weekly marketing emails. This is where Skhokho marketing email feature comes in, you might want to:

(1) Send cold emails to potential clients

(2) Warm up leads you have interacted with before

(3) Re-engage with previous clients

//NOTE - You will likely have multiple action points designed to improve on your metrics. You might want to: (1) increase marketing budget, (2) hire a community manager to manage your social media, (3) hire digital marketing specialist, (4) improve on your SEO, etc. 

In this blog, we are focusing on the email marketing element only. 


Step 2: Choose the Right Email Marketing Software 

There are a number of different email marketing software platforms to choose from. You’ll need to consider your budget, the size of your email list, and your tech skills when deciding which one is right for you.

Great, news - you can also use Skhokho lightweight CRM for email marketing. Skhokho was designed to be minimalistic for small businesses, to reduce the cost of marketing and simplify the process so that the average business owner and their small team can benefit for CRM functionalities without bulky enterprise grade CRM software and their matching costs. Check out the step-by-step visual below to get started with email marketing:

Step 3: Create a List of Email Subscribers 

If you don’t already have a list of email subscribers, you’ll need to create one. Start by collecting the email addresses of your existing customers and prospects. You can also add a sign-up form to your website to encourage people to join your email list.

This step is also covered in the step-by-step guide above by Skhokho.

Effective email marketing lightweight CRM

Step 4: Write Engaging Email Content 

Once you have a list of subscribers, you need to start writing email content that will engage and convert them. Your emails should be informative, helpful, and interesting. You should also include a call-to-action (CTA) so that your subscribers know what you want them to do next.

Step 5: Test, Test, Test 

Before you send your email campaign to your entire list, you need to test it. Send a test email to a small group of people to see how it looks and make sure there are no technical errors. Once you’ve ironed out any issues, you can move on to Step 6. 

Step 6: Launch Your Email Marketing Campaign 

Now it’s time to launch your email marketing campaign! Send your emails to your entire list and sit back and wait for the results. Be sure to track your open rates, click-through rates, and other important metrics so that you can gauge the success of your campaign.


Get started with Skhokho email marketing today with a 14 day free trial, where you can send as many emails as you like at no cost. 

Skhokho Business Management Software
Bertha Kgokong
Published on April 14, 2022

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