# Quotes

# Quote List

The accounting - quote list (opens new window) page shows all the current quotes available for your business. You can see the details of the quote, and status from this page.

Quotes are grouped into:

  • New Quotes.
  • 3 Months Old Quotes.
  • 12 Months Old Quotes.
  • Over 12 Months Old Quotes.

Quote List

At the top of the page, you can click on the "Add New Quote" button to add a new quote.

# Add New Quote

When you click on the "add quote" button, a new black quote instance is created, you need to build the quote objects one at a time to populate the quote.


The date created is automatically set to be the current date, if you want to change it click on the edit date button, pick the date you want, then save.

Quote List

# Add Quote Line Items

Click on the add quote like items at the top of the page to add line items to the quote. A new pop-up form will appear - you can now add the following to the form:

Quote List

You can either select from existing products and services or you can a new product/service. You will need to enter the following information:

  • Title of the item
  • Price
  • Quantity of the line item

You will now see more of the form, you can continue to add line items as described above or continue with adding a new client to the form.

More of the Quote form

# Add A Client

Click on the "add client button" on the top left side of the page to add a new client.

Add New Client

A pop up form will appear, you have two options at this stage:

  • Chose an existing client from the dropdown list
  • Add completely new client

To add a new client enter the following information:

Form Fields
Company Name
Email Address
Phone Number
Tax Number
Address line 1
Postal Code

Once you enter the client details, you will see them reflected back on the quote. In addition you will see your own company details.

Quote Details

There are buttons to allow you to edit any of the information on the quote at this stage, including the company logo.


The Company information shown is set-up in the accounting settings page

# Edit Quote Details

At this stage, you can edit the remaining details for the quote. You can enter the following:

  • Title of the quote
  • Description of the quote
  • Additional Notes

Quote Details

# Quote Actions

You can either:

  • View quote PDF
  • Email quote to client


When you email to client, the contact details provided for the client on the form will be used to send the email. The client will receive the quote as an attachment to an email with your contact details to follow up.