# Team Tasks
Each team will have their own task board, which will be managed by the team leader. The team leader can assign tasks to the team members directly from the task board, and the team members will see these tasks from inside their personal apps. Team Task page can be found here (opens new window).
Tasks are divided in to three main groups:
- TODO Tasks
- In-progress Tasks
- Completed Tasks
When a manager creates a new task, it is added to the to-do board and will stay there until it is moved to the in-progress section. Only the team manager and/or the team member who the task is assigned to can move tasks across to different levels of completion.
When a task reaches the "done" board - it can be archived and it will leave the board to create space for new tasks. The task board is the central place for team members to keep track of all the tasks they are currently busy with and who is responsible what for what task.
# Creating a task
To create a new task, click on the "create new task" button on the top right corner of the page.
When creating a new task, enter the following information:
Fields required |
Responsible Person for task |
Title of task |
Description of task |
Due date for the task |
# Delete Task
Tasks can also be deleted from any point on the table, there is a delete button on every task that can be used to delete a task. Only the team manager can delete team tasks.