# Notes

Skhokho has a simplified built in and integrated note management system. You can access the notes page from this link: Skhokho Notes (opens new window).

Notes are simple documents that you create to save written information, on Skhokho you can then share these notes by: (1) Sharing a web page with the note and (2) printing a PDF document of the note.

# Create a Note

When you are on the Notes List page (opens new window), click at the top "Create Note" button to create a new note. You will be navigated to this page, where you can create a new note.

Skhokho Create New Note

  • Add a title to the note.

  • Write the note detail. Note you can add images, videos, links and format your note like you would any rich text document.


Please note that the notes autosave and you will not lose any information, even if you navigate away from the page. Do not refresh the page, as it will create a new note.

You can create notes with rich text formatting, images, video links and much more.

# Share Your Notes

Skhokho View Note Online

When you have created your note, you can either: (1) download it as a PDF document or (2) view it online. You can also share the online link with anyone - even if they do not use SKhokho. They will be able to view the note like a webpage.


Share your notes as web-pages with anyone, whether they use Skhokho or not. Create online notes to share your ideas, thoughts and much more.